Will drones soon have a transponder?

The answer for the right technology is still far from clear. Only recently, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure published a statement regarding the responsibility for drone detection and defence. The statement clearly states that DFS (German Air Traffic Control) is responsible for the safety of airspace and therefore also for detecting drones in hazardous areas.

At the same time, the police authorities are responsible for initiating appropriate defence measures to ward off drones. Technologies such as jammers and interception nets have already been tried and tested.

You can find out more about transponders in this article.

You can find more information about drones in our Airclip Guide!


Will drones soon have a transponder?

The answer for the right technology is still far from clear. Only recently, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure published a statement regarding the responsibility for drone detection and defence. The statement clearly states that DFS (German Air Traffic Control) is responsible for the safety of airspace and therefore also for detecting drones in hazardous areas.

At the same time, the police authorities are responsible for initiating appropriate defence measures to ward off drones. Technologies such as jammers and interception nets have already been tried and tested.

You can find out more about transponders in this article.

You can find more information about drones in our Airclip Guide!