Up to what distance is a drone within sight?
It depends: on the drone, the weather conditions, the lighting conditions, etc. The pilot must be...
Which drones require a drone licence?
Due to the transition period in the new EU drone law, it depends on whether an existing drone or...
Are there fines for operating drones without a drone licence?
If you act contrary to the legal provisions of the Air Traffic Regulations, the Air Traffic Act...
Does the EU drone licence have to be carried at all times?
The EU drone licence must be presented to representatives of the competent authorities on...
Are photographs of buildings, squares and parks permitted?
Photos of all kinds are permitted for private use without publication as long as no laws are...
When is proof of knowledge sufficient for model aircraft pilots?
If you intend to use a drone weighing over 2 kg exclusively for private purposes , then at least...
When and how must a sticker be attached to drones?
Since the introduction of the EU Drone Regulation in January 2021, drones must be labelled with...
What should I bear in mind for take-off and landing sites?
In order to take off or land with a drone, permission must be obtained from the landowner or an...
What is the drone driving licence?
The drone pilot licence serves as proof to third parties, including authorities, that you have...
What is the EU Drone Regulation?
The EU Drone Regulation regulates where and under what conditions a drone may be flown.The Drone...
What is a general ruling?
Operating bans for unmanned aerial systems and model aircraft were defined in the Air Traffic...
What is SORA?
SORA (Specific Operational Risk Assessment) is a Europe-wide procedure for analysing the risks...
What is NfL (news for pilots)?
Nachrichten für Luftfahrer, NfL for short, is the official gazette for aviation in Germany. They...
What is the difference between VLOS, EVLOS and BVLOS?
VLOS denotes flight within the visual line of sight of the pilot (= Visual Line Of Sight).
What are the consequences if a drone is not labelled?
If a drone weighs more than 250 g and has a camera, the operator of this drone is obliged to...
How do I apply for a control clearance for drones (e.g. within 1.5 km of airports)?
Deutsche Flusicherung GmbH (DFS) provides an online form for this purpose: To the form. Enter...
How many people form a crowd?
"A gathering of people is a spatially united multitude of people, i.e. a majority of people so...
Will non-compliance with operating bans for drones be penalised with fines?
Disregarding operating prohibitions, such as flying into flight control zones, constitutes an...
Where are drones allowed to fly and where not?
As the pilot of an "unmanned aerial system", you take part in air traffic and must comply with...
Where can I obtain an EU drone licence?
Both the small EU drone pilot licence (A1/A3 certificate of competence) and the large EU drone...